Bentley Lecture in Sustainable Agriculture

About Jayson Lusk

Jayson Lusk is a professor and the Willard Sparks Endowed Chair in the agricultural economics department at Oklahoma State University. In the past ten years, Lusk has published more than one hundred articles in peer-reviewed journals on topics related to consumer behavior, food marketing, and food policy.

Following many years of studying food regulation and comparing costs and benefits of the policies in question, Lusk grew disenchanted with a movement that he feels ignores the realities facing most American consumers and farmers. Lusk argues that the “food elite” in America have made food more expensive—putting lower-income consumers at a disadvantage—and prevented us from taking full advantage of emerging technologies in the food industry. His book The Food Police: A Well-Fed Manifesto about the Politics of Your Plate is a critical account of food and agriculture economics.

Learn more about Jayson Lusk here.

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About the lecture

This lecture series is named in honor of Dr. Fred Bentley. His academic career, mainly at the University of Alberta, spanned over 36 years.  He served as Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture from 1958 to 1968. Focusing on soil fertility and nutrient quality, Dr. Bentley conducted his research on Gray Luvisolic soils at the University of Alberta’s Breton Plots near Breton, Alberta. 

Department of Renewable Resources

Renewable Resources offers excellence in the discovery, dissemination, and application of knowledge about natural and managed ecosystems. We are a diverse group of academics united by a passion for wise management of natural resources based on understanding the integration of landscape elements and the biota with which we share the planet. Never has the need for our sort of science been more crucial, and we delight in the meaningful contributions of our students and staff to understanding interacting ecological systems ranging in scale from soil pedons to watersheds. 

Visit the Department of Renewable Resources webpage for more information.

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